Thanks to several hints from Felix I was finally able to solve WOGE 351. The Dendi Caldera in Ethiopia seems like it would be an interesting place to visit. I had already wasted a modest amount of time searching areas around the Mediterranean before I caught on to the second picture. A Google image search for "round thatched huts" turned up a number of pictures from Ethiopia mixed with those from various tropical islands. Once I began searching the right county it took just a few minutes to locate the lake in the image. Maybe this will help me recover from the embarrassment of not recognizing Ron's WOGE 350 even though I had found the location when it was Peter's WOGE 304.
Now its time for WOGE 352. Once you locate this area it should be relatively easy to find some good information about the geology. As always, be the first person to post a comment with the coordinates of the location and some explanation of the processes or features that make it geologically interesting and you will win the privilege of hosting the next challenge. See Felix Bossert's blog for complete rules and hints. Since the game has been a little slow lately, the Schott rule is not in effect, and I will post a first hint in just a few days if necessary. Have fun!
Here is the first hint.
Still looking? Maybe a close-up view will help.
See the little thatched huts? But it's not quite the same as in Felix's last edition.
Here is another hint: According to the Global Volcanism Program the closest Holocene volcano is almost 2000 km from this location.
Maybe it will help if I double the view again.